Sunday, June 1, 2008

and all you...

School was fun. Ss is hell's fun. talked alot, exchanged lots of stories. And studied Venice. I know its a damn of a topic but.. If u have intrest in it.. its easy and fun too.
So physics lesson was pretty much the same. Mr Chai was kinda angry bla bla bla. Thanks to sarah for telling me to chill. Thanks buddy. And then, we had eng lesson. Fun too.

So.. After school, Met up with Azie. Followed her home to get get her Guitar bag. Yessar! Can carry on with my D&T tomorrow. Oh! I get to see Mummy for the 1st time. I mean Azie's mum. Which is my mum. but not entirely my mum. Gah.. Its complicated. HAH!

About 3 hours to go till the Soccer match. Can't wait uh... Meet up with some old pals. Gonna have fun for sure.
I hope i dont get sick again like last time. Diarrheoa man.*spelling?*

Will strum to Unintended. I really really want to play that. Gahh! Its tough.

Finally, to my bestfriend. Ww, i know it's tough for you. I know ur gonna say.. No, you dont know how I feel. Still, ill be there if u need me. =)

And to Angel, Take good care of yourself aite. Get well soon.

It's so obvious. Do i continue, go with the flow or accept what she's doing?
Either, it's still gonna hurt. I know your trying your best for the 'actual' thing.
Think about it. Seriously, is it fair for me?

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