Monday, January 19, 2009

toot tuu..

2 days back, outing the red camp people.
Ytd, Family dinner.
Today, 1st day of work

Erm.. what else..
Oh, lepak-ed today.
Few camp mates.
U-huh. Might be sishaaa-ing 2moro. With Navalites. & Miss Her sneeze is cute prolly.
Hm.. Training 2moro, 3-5. 2 Hours pay only. Wtf...
wait, jadi la.. Janji.. Duit masoooookk.

Gosh,doing the right things sucks. I mean the feeling.
Yes, i'm sorry once again.
Think abt what i said.

For Miss Centurion.
Miss Her sneeze is cute. If ur reading this,
Don't worry. I'm fine.
I hope u are too. We've talked about it.
It's not the same.
U know why right.
Clear the other things 1st.

He's too soft hearted.
He's still Museey.
Shit, my mind going wooo... Nuts.

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